
Recent News

May 2023: What we are up to: new online articles to read

Colum recently gave a talk for the Parkinson's Foundation that was turned into a great online article, give it a read! 

April 2023: Callen receives MnDRIVE graduate fellowship

Callen was recently awarded a MnDRIVE graduate student fellowship in neuromodulation. His project will focus on understanding the responses of trunk muscles in those with Parkinson's disease by using transcranial magnetic and electrical vestibular stimulation. Go Callen!! 

April 2020: Social Distancing with MDL

Most years the Movement Disorders Lab celebrates the end of the semester with pizza and fun presentations. This year, we had to be creative in the face of COVID-19 and hosted our first Virtual MDL Party! Everyone shared a short presentation about their work this past year and we also shared happy news, pet photos, and more. We hope everyone is staying safe and well, we're all in this together!

November 2019: MDL at the Bell Museum

The Movement Disorders Lab packed up their lab equipment and presented about non-invasive brain stimulation to visitors at the Bell Museum this month. Visitors were able to see TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) in action and learn how we answer some important questions about the motor system. It was fantastic to see kids and adults alike learn something new about the brain!

July 2019: Summer Lab Outing

The Movement Disorders Lab took an evening boat ride on the Mississippi to celebrate the summer and spend time together outside of the office. It was especially fun to meet everyone's family members, including some of the newest additions!

May 2019: Happy Spring from xMDL!

The Movement Disorders Lab celebrated the end of the semester with pizza, data, and a new photo (see left!) Congratulations to our graduating seniors, Emily and Devin, as well as postdoc Rebekah, who walked at her PhD graduation ceremony this month. 

March 2019: Jae receives MnDRIVE postdoctoral fellowship

Jae Woo Chung was recently awarded a MnDRIVE postdoctoral fellowship in neuromodulation. His project will focus on testing cortical-brainstem motor pathway function in Parkinson's disease using  non-invasive brain stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

January 2019: Rebekah joins the lab

Rebekah Summers joined our research lab in January in order to complete her postdoctoral research. Her project focuses on  studying  neuroplasticity in people with REM sleep behavior disorder using neuroimaging and non-invasive brain stimulation.

June 2018: Matt goes to Stanford

Bon Voyage to Matt Petrucci! After a 2-year postdoc in our lab, he and his wife are moving to San Francisco. Samantha will be doing her residency and Matt will be doing a postdoc in the lab of Helen Bronte-Stewart. Best Wishes, Matt!

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